
There are many types of membership in IWF WB
  • Individual (Dojo) membership
  • District membership

Individual (Dojo) membership

An individual Dojo (Branch) would be given affiliation from IWF WB. An instructor operating only a single dojo should get his dojo affiliated under this name. In such case, he has to pay the individual membership fees and an affiliation certificate will be issued for the individual (Dojo) membership.

District membership

An individual operating as a member of Dojo’s either directly or through students in the same district can get affiliation under this name. In such cases, an affiliation certificate will be issued for the district membership, and also has to pay district fees as per IWF WB.

Conditions of an Affiliated Branch

  1. A DOJO should be run by a Black Belt (Minimum Shodan) authorized instructor. In special cases, junior students can run such a center but they must be under a Black Belt instructor having a valid authorized instructor’s license of IWF WB.
  2. Instructor must get his license from IWF WB.
  3. Affiliated members must participate in the camps and championships conducted by IWF WB head Quarter and conduct regular periodical grading tests and training camps.


Only authorized examiners of IWF WB can conduct grading for members of IWF WB. An authorized examiner can conduct grading tests as per permission of the Chairman / President / Secretary of IWF WB. In special cases, senior examiners may be allowed to conduct grading tests. A blackbelt grading test should be compulsorily conducted under the guidance of the Chairman / President / Secretary.


IWF WB conducts periodical seminars and tests following the instructor’s interest as an official referee and judge recognized by IWF WB. They will be taught the latest rules of WKF.

Interested candidates shouldn’t be below 8 years and not below the rank of Shodan can appear in such seminars and examinations.


It is obligatory for all affiliated instructors to run their dojo name International Wado Federation West Bengal ___________ BRANCH.


  1. ensure that a person appearing in any grading test must hold IWF WB early membership should be sent with the grading fees. Membership will be issued by IWF WB Head Quarter.
  2. Certificate will be sent to the concerned examiner after the receipt of the grading report duly signed by the examiner. The report and fees (through online) should be sent to the Head Quarter within 7 days of grading by registered post or courier.
  3. Certificates are issued from IWF WB Head Quarter. The examiner or the instructor should sign the certificates before handling concerted students.
  4. Official examiner as well as Dojo instructor must
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